With so many things that demand our time, money, and attention nowadays, nobody wants to pay a high price for auto insurance. But by taking advantage of the internet and free car insurance quotes, pretty much anybody can find auto insurance quotes that could potentially you money on your insurance premiums.For those out there considering researching to see if you are paying too much for your car insurance, lets find out how much truth there is to the many things that people have on their minds when getting free auto insurance quotes.Fact or Fiction?
When a driver gets his or her first speeding violation, the quotes go up.This is fiction. In many cases, insurers don’t raise quotes or premiums until a driver has many violations.
Red vehicles cost more to insure, leading to higher quote prices.This is fiction. Contrary to popular belief, color is not a factor used to calculate auto insurance quotes.
Anybody that drives a car with the owner’s permission is covered on the insurance policy.Fact. Since an car insurance policy is for the car instead of the driver, anyone who operates the vehicle with the permission of the owner is also covered.
Cheap cars get cheaper insurance quotes.Fiction. If the car has a big engine or is considered a high performance car or sports car, the quotes will naturally run higher regardless of the age of the vehicle.
Urban auto insurance quotes are higher than for those who live in rural areas.Fact. Those that live in the city have to deal with more traffic and higher risks of theft than those who live in rural areas. This translates to higher car insurance quotes to those living in the city.
Insurers look at your credit rating when calculating auto quotes.Fact. Insurers have discovered a close correlation between your credit, and the risk you pose to them. Because of this, the higher your credit score is, the likelihood of you getting a cheaper car insurance quote is better.
Auto insurance companies just charge whatever they want.Fiction. Each state requires insurance companies to disclose how they calculate your car insurance rates. Regulators review the information to make sure that they meet state required guidelines.
The lowest coverage on your vehicle is adequate.Fiction. If a driver is at fault in an accident that leads to a lawsuit, and the car is underinsured, your assets could be seized to cover the damages that were not covered by your insurance.On Your Way to Savings!By separating the facts from fiction, it’s easy to save money on your auto insurance premiums. Don’t be fooled by all the rumors about auto insurance quotes. Get educated, compare quotes, and find the right insurance for you at the right price.
Car Insurance Quotes – Facts and Fiction
Work From Home Jobs For Moms – 3 Most Popular Choices
If you are a mother, you would probably love nothing more than to stay home with your children. Some mothers feel a little guilty for having to work outside the home and missing out on the time they could be spending with their kids. Why not take advantage of the many opportunities that are available out there and find some work from home jobs for Moms? Here are some suggestions to start your search.Customer Service and Telemarketing
One category in work from home jobs for Moms is the customer service and telemarketing industry. There are companies who will look specifically for stay at home Moms to work part time answering or making calls. There are even some companies that will hire you just to answer live chat request on support sites, where you will not actually have to speak to anyone.Teaching
Another option in the work from home jobs for Moms group is online tutoring. If you have a teaching degree and some experience, there are many companies that have online tutoring websites for things like homework help when kids get stuck. This is a good option, again, when you just don’t want to deal with people over the phone.Virtual Assistants
Many women looking for work from home jobs for Moms find virtual assistant positions. Basically, there are individuals looking for someone who can work part time doing simple tasks for them, like answering emails or confirming appointments. In some cases, virtual assistants will also be asked to create customer sales letters or perform some Internet research.The possibilities are nearly endless. Work at home jobs for Moms are only limited by what you can do, and you don’t necessarily need experience in any of these jobs to do them and get paid.
The Accidental Project Manager: A Threat or an Opportunity?
Good Day AllAre you an accidental project manager?We hope that no one get offended by this term since the use of this term in our view is not offensive at all, rather it reflects a common reality. However, in case anyone object to the term, we truly apologize in advance and humbly ask you to read on and you might find out that our intentions are good-hearted.DefinitionSo what is the accidental project manager? Is it someone who is clumsy and stumbles into too many accidents? Absolutely not!It is a term that somewhat common to use. It typically refers to a professional who is educated, experienced, and practicing in one function or domain, such as: engineering, programming, marketing, human resources, finance, general business, art, and healthcare, among many other fields. This professional, at one time or another, is tasked with managing a project related to their function or department, such as an engineering related project, learning and development project, a media project, or any other project. Now, the challenge is that more often than none, this professional might not have any experience or education or training in project management yet they are still asked to manage a project.In other words, the professional is accidentally, or by chance/coincidence, get to manage a project although that was not likely a preferred career choice. Managing the project can be on a part-time or full-time basis. Once the project is complete, the professional resume his or her normal functional duties and maybe never manage a project again.The OpportunityFor many professionals the above bring about a great opportunity. An opportunity to take on a new challenge, and acquire new and highly valuable skills; management skills. These skills are in demand in today’s economy and life and are transferable to many domains, including managing personal non-work initiatives.If the person does a good job in managing the first project, she/he might be given an opportunity to manage another, and another, and maybe shift totally into project management and become a career project manager. A career PM is someone who chose project management as a career choice and shifted from whatever career they were in before. The transition might not be easy but would be quite rewarding.The ThreatsThe threat to the professional and the organization is that the accidental PM might not be ready to manage a project and as a result they might not do well on the first project. If the project has a significant degree of complexity, then the project might even fail and we are likely to blame the project manager. Could this be the error of the accidental PM? Basically, the professional is given a new “challenge” as the boss might have said, yet this professional who is given the challenge might not have the characteristics that is necessary for a good career project manager. Further, this person might not have been given the necessary education or know how to manage the projects and would not be fair to blame her/him.Therefore, the threat in this case is double edge: on the personal aspects, the accidental project manager is likely to feel responsible for the failure and this situation might hurt them professionally and personally. In some cases the consequences could be severe and detrimental to the person’s career. The other aspect for this situation is the organizational aspect. Here we have a failed project with cost and schedule impact – at least. If the project is for a client, the damage could be significant.In short, all involved lose in this scenario.The SolutionOne solution is to have all project managers educated and trained in project management but we do not believe this is necessary for all type of projects. For major capital investment projects, and projects that are very important for an organization we need the necessary preparation before we should put a project manager in charge.However, many projects, especially those in our day-to-day life and business, can be managed effectively with accidental project managers with some preparation. But we should not throw the person into the ocean and expect them to reach the shores safely if they do not know how to swim. We need to teach them the necessary to survive, maybe in a large pool and not the ocean; for the ocean we need an expert swimmer.How can we do that? Have the professional works on projects to see what it is like. Provide some basic project management learning opportunities. Have the person work as an assistant project manager under the supervision of a more experienced professional. All of these actions will enhance the chance of success and minimize the chance of failure. This way, we would have effectively managed the risk of the accidental project manager and the professional gain new skills while the organization enjoys the benefits of a new service or product.For all professionals out in the world, welcome the opportunity to manage a project and it may change your life. If the organization gives you the task without getting you ready, prepare on your own – seek the new knowledge and best of all learn how to apply it. We wish you an enjoyable and exciting journey of learning and growth.By the way, the author started his career as an engineer and then moved to projects.